● Understand Customer Requirements
Communicate specific requirements with the customer, fill out relevant requirement forms, including application scenarios, usage environments, power sizes, electricity usage, certification status, project duration, quality assurance requirements, etc.
● Provide Preliminary Solutions
Write project proposals according to customer requirements, including application diagrams, module parameters, interface definitions, appearance dimensions, weight, and color.
● Solution Communication and Revisions
Communicate solution details and issues via email or meetings.
● Finalize Solution
Reach agreement through communication and confirm the final draft.
● Samples
Customer places a sample order, corresponding samples are made according to the solution, tested and verified, then sent to the customer for confirmation.
● Small Batch Production
Based on feedback from sample testing, optimize production processes and proceed with small batch production after confirmation.
● Mass Production
Adjust and verify based on small batch production, improve production processes, optimize production/quality control procedures, and begin mass production.
The target market of our brand has been continuously developed over the years. Now, we want to expand the international market and confidently push our brand to the world.